Information in English
Single and day tickets
Price level/Price in EUR | 1 zone | 2 zones | 3 zones | whole VMS |
product | ||||
single ticket | 2,70€ | 4,80€ | 6,90€ | 9,10€ |
single ticket child | 1,90€ | 3,20€ | 4,60€ | 6,10€ |
four-way ticket | 9,60€ | 16,40€ | 24,00€ | 32,00€ |
day ticket | 5,40€ | 9,60€ | 13,80€ | 18,20€ |
day ticket 2 persons | 9,30€ | 14,60€ | 19,60€ | 25,00€ |
day ticket 3 persons | 13,20€ | 19,60€ | 25,40€ | 31,80€ |
day ticket 4 persons | 17,10€ | 24,60€ | 31,20€ | 38,60€ |
day ticket 5 persons | 21,00€ | 29,60€ | 37,00€ | 45,40€ |
day ticket child | 3,60€ | 5,00€ | 6,80€ | 8,60€ |
The right ticket
Price level: You have to count all the fare zones you go through. If you stay in one fare zone, for example you only use the trams and buses in Chemnitz, you need to acquire a ticket of the price level 1. If you want to go from Mittweida to Chemnitz you pass three fare zones and you need a ticket of the price level 3. Distances and routes that extend four zones and more require the price level for the entire area of the VMS called »Verbundraum«.
NOTE! Sometimes a route with the bus is not the same as going by train even when the departing and arrival points are identical.
Students and semester tickets
Students in Chemnitz
The semester ticket is a travel permission for regular degree students at the TUC with a validity for the current semester. It entitles the holder of the ticket for any desired journeys with the public transport within the VMS and the regional public rail transportation within the entire area of Saxony.
The TUC-Card (respectively replacement card) is deemed to be the semester ticket only if it is marked as student identity card and semester ticket at the same time.
Students in Zwickau
The semester ticket is a travel permission for regular degree students at the WHZ with a validity for the current semester. It entitles the holder of the ticket for any desired journeys with the public transport within the VMS and the regional public rail transportation within the entire area of Saxony.
The student identity card (respectively replacement card) of the WHZ is deemed to be the semester ticket only if it is marked as student identity card and semester ticket at the same time.
Further regulations according to the tariff
The reduction of single tickets and day tickets can be used by children at the age between their school enrolment and their 15th birthday. Further the VMS offers a reduction of monthly tickets for students and apprentices who are enrolled in schools, trainee companies/centres or universities for a basic/advanced education or vocational training. Children who don’t go to school yet accompanied by an adult person with a valid ticket travel for free.
Personal commutation tickets for apprentices and students consist of a VMS customer card with a valid token coin or a value coupon, photo and the date of the end of validity. The customer cards and subscriptions have to be proposed directly at a transportation company of the VMS.
The carriage of bicycles in the VMS is completely free of charge. Regarding the required space, prams and wheelchairs have priority.
NOTE! If you go by train and you pass the borders of the VMS (in- or outbound), of Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn, Deutsche Bahn or Vogtlandbahn. Therefore, for cross-border trips with the Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn in the direction of Dresden and with the Deutsche Bahn, you must purchase a day ticket for your bicycle. Otherwise the transport of bicycles is free of charge.
Handicapped persons
As a proof of entitlement to use the public means of transport exempt from charges, you need to get the pass for severely disabled persons together with the supplementary sheet and a valid token coin or value coupon.
The transport of animals that can be carried in a box is free of charge. Bigger dogs have to be properly secured by a leash and a muzzle and need a reduced for the respective route. The transport of dogs that belong to subscribers (with a transportation company of the VMS) is generally free.
Where can I buy tickets?
Tickets are available in advance sale (stationary ticket vending machines and selling agencies/service points of the transportation companies) or directly within the means of travel (mobile ticket vending machines/bus driver). Another way to get a ticket is to buy it via HandyTicket. Here you can order your ticket (only single and day tickets) with your mobile phone and the app for the HandyTicket. Please get more information to this at handyticket.de
NOTE! Every ticket you buy in advance you have to validate before you start your first departure with this ticket. Tickets that you aquire within a bus, a tram, a train or via HandyTicket are already validated. On the ticket you also find an indication whether the ticket must be validated before the journey or not.
About the VMS
The Verkehrsverbund Mittelsachsen (VMS) is the public transport association for the region in Central Saxony/Germany as you can see in the graphic below. Our assignment is the networking between the regional transportation companies, their schedules, our common fares and last but not least the management of disseminating all the information out to the passengers.
The area of the VMS-fare
The geographical scope of the VMS fare ranges over the administrative districts Erzgebirgskreis and Mittelsachsen, the region around the county town of Zwickau and the county borough of Chemnitz. The whole network is divided into marked out and numbered fare zones orientated by the borders of the administrative districts. Freiberg, Chemnitz and Zwickau as the three biggest towns of the VMS have their own fare zones 10 for Freiberg, 13 for Chemnitz and 16 for Zwickau.
Our transportation companies and schedules
A total of 17 transport companies are engaged within the VMS. Chemnitz and Zwickau have their own companies for the public transportation within the inner cities:
- Chemnitzer Verkehrs-AG (CVAG)
- Städtische Verkehrsbetriebe Zwickau GmbH (SVZ)
Further the transport companies are divided into regional public bus and rail transportation companies. Here are some of the most important ones regarding the regional bus and rail network:
- Regionalverkehr Erzgebirge GmbH (RVE)
- REGIOBUS Mittelsachsen GmbH (RBM)
- Regionalverkehr Westsachsen GmbH (RVW)
- Deutsche Bahn AG (DB Regio)
- DB RegioNetz GmbH Erzgebirgsbahn (EGB)
- City-Bahn Chemnitz GmbH (CBC)
- Die Länderbahn GmbH DLB
- Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn (MRB)
- Freiberger Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH
The companies create and manage their timetables in correlation with the VMS. Every year in december the VMS publishes the data of departure of all the bus and rail routes in the four districts with a print version that stays valid for the following 12 months. The departures you can find in these books, but also current temporary delays and options for changes are further available in the electronic schedule information at www.vms.de.
You need further information? Please call us! – 0049 371 40008-88